Wednesday, February 25, 2015

3 Sites with Attractive and Usable Forms

EE Harbor   -

This site is for EE Harbor which is a company that generates Polls for other peopls's websites, at a cost. So I guess polls is their area of expertise anyway, it better be good. I like the simplicity of their register form and the fact that it took you to a page that blocked all distracting things out and let the user just focus on the few questions needed to register. Simple and Clean look.

2.  SVN2GIT   -

SVN2GIT is a hosted source control system company... whatever that means, but what I get from reading that is that their website better be pretty good because they work in the techy web field. Their whole website has a really modern feel to it. I loved the contact form because it was so different from anything else I'd ever seen. Their main menu is on the left of their index screen and its all based off of the index page, no other pages. So when you click on contacts, the contact form pops up on the right of the screen you're on. Love it. And the background for each form box is like yellow legal pad paper. Pretty cool. 

3. Barnt & Arnst    -

Barnt & Arnst website is pretty cool. Looks like they mainly use a one long index page theme where you can scroll on down forever. Their contact form is at the very bottom of the page, built right in. No links or clicks necessary to get to it. I love that you can just click right onto the page in the form 'boxes' to contact them. 3 fields and the only link you have to click on is 'send'. Clear, concise, to the point.

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